Spring Delights for Elementary School Students and Above
Spring is always a great time of year to bring music and acting into the classroom. During that final stretch to June, Michael Brent musicals and songs can be a welcome change of pace for the classroom and a good source for educational and character-building materials.
Here are some suggestions:
BE KIND TO EACH OTHER – A new look at the story of Androcles and the Lion, with
emphasis on how a simple act of kindness is never forgotten, this mini-play is a lyrical antidote to school-aged bullying. Considered a “Children’s Theatre mini-play,” it is very popular with elementary school teachers….so popular, in fact, that the title song has been requested to be used as a few specific schools’ song. (Note: the schools change the lyric from “beautiful day” to insert name of school “day.” Written permission is granted by us for this use and this change.) Book and Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $19.95 Grades K-3; parts for many students, 15 to 20 minutes in duration. Excellent for Early Reading Motivation and Introduction to Music – for classroom or stage presentation.
BENNY BUNNY’S BAND – Familiar Americana tunes made new with endearing lyrics. The
Ragtime band members are a colorful case of characters: dragons and whales and dinosaurs and even singing chipmunks (oh, my!), and of course plenty of bunnies frolicking to “marching band” music. As Ruth Roberts (songwriter extraordinaire) herself said of this show: “….a wondrous collection of the many ways music moves us to dream and laugh and enjoy the fun and nonsense of…..a rabbit who leads a band, a dragon whose tail grows up to the moon, and a ride on the back of a dinosaur.” 10 “out of this world” songs and activities that young folks will ask for over and over again, among them “The Dipsy Doodle Dragon of Dipsy Doodle Town,” “The Dragon and the Princess,” “Betty Bunny’s Birthday Day,” “Jack Rabbit the Home Run Bunny,” and “I’d Rather be a Bunny,” just to mention a few. Classified under our “Classroom Activities” category, the Book/Activity Guide and Performance CD set are $19.95.
DR. PET, THE ANIMAL VET – An adorable tribute to the care and feeding of our animal
friends….from home to zoo, there’s a pet song for you! A tuneful history of the veterinary profession, just in case a child in your class would aspire to be one someday! The tale of a lost pup, “Nobody’s Bow Wow,” is the cutest song imaginable. Other precious songs include “I Like Cows and I Like Goats,” “Dicky Duck,” and “How Much Wood Would a Woodpecker Peck.” It’s never too early for a child to sing and say, “one day, I’ll be a good vet like Dr. Pet, and I will love my work!” Book and Perf/Acc CD set is $19.95. For Grades 3-9, parts for many students, 15-20 minutes duration.
EASTER SONGS THAT TICKLE YOUR FUNNY BONE – Another in our “Funny Bone” Series,

this 16-song sing-along collection gets children into the Holiday spirit with several amusing familiar tunes set to new lyrics such as “How Much Corn Can a Little Chick Eat?” Also includes “A Passover Song.” Appeals to Grades K thru 3. Book and Performance CD set is $19.95.
ELEPHANTS, CLOWNS, AND CIRCUS SOUNDS – An ideal play for a Great all-school performance! Along with the singing, gymnastics, excitement and fun, here is an opportunity for students in elementary through junior high school to learn a valuable lesson in character-building, in simply being yourself, trying your best, and looking at the bright side of life with such songs as “Melvin the Magnificent,” ”The Things I’d Like to Be,” and “The Funniest Fella,” among others. Teacher Book is $19.95. Student book 10/Pack is $29.95. Perf/Acc CD is $49.95. For Grades 3-9, parts for many students.
HOWDY NEIGHBOR! – Good-natured song/stories about growing up in our country, the
longer version features 8 songs + sound cues (“The Stars and Stripes,” “The Ohio Line,” and “I Like All Kinds of People,” among others) and is for grades 4-9, Book is $19.95; Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $49.95. However, the “Simplified Mini-Play for Grades K-3” has 3 songs + sound cues (“The Stars and Stripes,” “Appalachian Swing,” and “I Like All Kinds of People”). Book and Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $19.95. Please specify which version when ordering
THE LAST OF THE LITTERBUGS – Instructing children with the message, “Don’t Be a
Litterbug!” this mini-play teaches basic concepts of civic responsibility through the character of Super Litter Lady as she takes on the challenge of pint-sized litterbugs. Songs include “Up-town, Down-town, It’s Our Hometown,” “Siren,” and, of course, the lively and self-explanatory “Don’t Be a Litterbug! Book and Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $19.95 Grades K-3; parts for many students, 15 to 20 minutes in duration – for classroom or stage presentation.
THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG – Perfect for any time of year, this wonderful mini-musical
is ideal for your students’ first experience on stage: everyone in the kingdom is a story-teller including the Witches, Frogs, The Royal Family, the Palace Maids and all the Storybook Characters. The very popular songs in this musical re-telling of the storybook classic include “The Bird in the Happiness Tree,” “Chinese Fortune Cookie Song,” “A Frog Song,” and “We are Witches Three.” Book and Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $19.95 Grades K-3; parts for many students, 20 minutes in duration – for classroom or stage presentation.
THE LEGEND OF THE TWELVE MOONS – This full-length play (30 minutes in duration) is
one of Ruth Roberts’ crowning achievements in song-and-play-writing for elementary school musical presentation. Narrated by Richard Kiley (a Tony, Emmy, and Golden Globe-winning actor/singer who is also the narrator of the Jurassic Park River Adventure ride at Universal studios), this colorful historical rendition of Native Americans as story-tellers weaves wonderful tales with, in some cases, breathtaking music. The theatrical flourishes abound as students act out the colorful history, customs and traditions of the Native American experience. This is an absolutely unforgettable experience for classroom or performance. Teacher Book is $19.95. Student book 10/Pack is 35.00. Performance/Accompaniment CD is $55.00. Grades 3-9.
THE MARSHMALLOW BUNNY – This Children’s Theatre mini-play is an adorable Easter
program that features our love for grandmother. Songwriter Ruth Roberts employs simple poetry and then a lovely ballad to pay tribute to her own grandmother, who created the idea of a “marshmallow bunny.” The students play various “Storytellers” as they spin this endearing tale. For Grades K - 3. Book and Perf/Acc CD set is $19.95.
PATRICK MULDOON AND HIS MAGIC BALLOON – We often get “sentimental” requests for this 30-minute musical from grown-ups who remember falling in love with it when they were children. This musical journey through our wondrous world and
all of its different customs and traditions is led by Patrick Muldoon and Barney Balloon as they take youngsters to Africa (“Happy Hippopotamus”), Egypt (“Who Knows What the Sphinx Thinks”) and Japan (“Cherry Blossom Song”). There is an alternate version of this story that is sung by the Irish-American singer Carmel Quinn, who has appeared on Broadway, television and radio since coming to America in 1954; American audiences fell in love with her, and it is this version that our most sentimental customers request. Teacher Book is $19.95. Student book 5/Pack is $15.95. Performance/Accompaniment CD is $49.95, though please specify “Standard version” OR “Carmel Quinn version.” For Grades K thru 7, 30 minutes in duration
PINOCCHIO, DON’T SMOKE THAT CIGARETTE – As the lyric says, “…with cigarettes, drugs
and alcohol, you have no chance in life at all; just say no!” Theatrical and lively, here is the story of an average young person, Pinocchio Jones, whose nose grows each time he abuses his health with the aforementioned substances. The students love to sing and dance to these witty and dynamic tunes in an easy-to-stage musical. Teacher Book is $19.95; Student 10/Pack is $35.00; Performance/Accompaniment CD is $49.95. Two versions: full-length for Grades 3–12 is 25 Minutes in duration; the simplified version is for Grades K-2, and has a 15-minute running time.
SPRING SONGS THAT TICKLE YOUR FUNNY BONE – far and away our most popular items, these
pun-filled seasonal sing-alongs cover all the major holidays – and even a few minor ones! With inventive new lyrics set to familiar, classic tunes, this series presents ten holidays with affectionate humor that even the youngest holiday celebrant will thoroughly enjoy. Titles include Christmas Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Thanksgiving Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Spring Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Easter Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Columbus Day Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Halloween Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Animal Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; St. Patrick’s Day Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; Valentine Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone; and April Fool’s Day Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone. For all ages.
THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE – Another highly requested item, this 15-song mini-play
retells the fable that encourages “slow and steady wins the race” through the lively songs, “Hippity Hop the Hare” and “Tommy Tortoise.” A magical musical for “tiny tots,” this one is easy to stage and fun to do as it re-creates the fabled great race. Book and Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $19.95 Grades K-3; parts for many students, 20 minutes in duration – for classroom or stage presentation.