Educational and fun!
Musical plays and songs for the classroom...since 1962
Halloween Songs and Musical Plays

Halloween Songs that
Tickle Your Funny Bone
Silly, goofy, Halloween lyrics set to popular music.
The Songbook has melody lines, lyrics, and is illustrated.
Good for young readers.
Songbook and CD - $14.95.
Songbook and CD also sold separately - each $9.95.
CD Track List
1. A Halloween Song
2. Around the Block and Up the Street
3. Ghoul Days, Ghoul Days
4. Halloween is All Around
5. There is a Haunted House in Town
6. The Pumpkin Man
7. I've Been Working on My Costume
8. A Good Old Halloween
9. Halloween Friends
10. The Pumpkin on the Vine
11. We Are the Witches Three
12. Have a Happy Halloween
13. As the Witches Go Flying Along
14. Twinkle, Twinkle Candlelight
15. Trick or Treat
16. Bats in the Belfry
Listen to excerpts of all 16 songs.

Songs that Tickle
Your Funny Bone, Vol. 3:
Columbus Day and Halloween Songs
Silly, goofy, Halloween and Columbus Day lyrics set to popular music.
The Songbook has melody lines, lyrics, and is illustrated. Good for young readers.
Songbook and CD - $14.95.
Songbook and CD also sold separately - each $9.95.
CD Track List
Do the Tarantella
I Wish I Wuz Columbus
The Boom! Boom! Boom! Columbus Day Parade
The Nina and the Pinta and the Santa Maria
Who's the Man, The Man Who Can?
Around the Block and Up the Street
Halloween Friends
Halloween is All Around
The Pumpkin on the Vine
There is a Haunted House in Town
Songbook and CD - $14.95
Songbook and CD sold separately - each $9.95

Spider Soup
A musical play geared for young readers, this Halloween program is quick (six minutes in length) and easy (students read from their scripts as part of the play.) This can be done as a performance or as a fun reading exercise. There are 30 parts - enough for the average-sized classroom. A great introduction for children to learn how to read a script and act in a play.
The illustrated Songbook has easy piano music with lyrics, program notes, and script. The CD is a performance/accompaniment CD and the performance tracks were recorded using children in the roles.
Songbook and CD - $19.95
CD Track List
Trick or Treat
The Pumpkin on the Vine
The Pumpkin Man
Twinkle Twinkle Candlelight
It's a Good Old Halloween
Trick or Treat (Instrumental)
The Pumpkin on the Vine (Instrumental)
The Pumpkin Man (Instrumental)
Twinkle Twinkle Candlelight (Instrumental)
It's a Good Old Halloween (Instrumental)

Listen to excerpts from the play.

The Littlest Pumpkin in the Pumpkin Patch
Original lyrics set to familiar tunes from our childhood, this amusing tale of a scarecrow and a "rock 'n roll pumpkin" will delight the young ones around Halloween time. A fun and easy performance or as a classroom reading exercise, this Halloween-themed music play has a positive "believe in yourself" theme.
The illustrated Songbook has easy piano music with lyrics, program notes, and script. The CD is a performance/accompaniment CD and the performance tracks were recorded using children and adults in the roles.
Songbook and CD - $19.95
CD Track List
1. Trick or Treat
2. The Pumpkin on the Vine
3. The Pumpkin Man
4. Twinkle Twinkle Candlelight
5. It's a Good Old Halloween
Tracks 6 - 10 Accompaniment

Columbus Day Songs that
Tickle Your Funny Bone
Silly, goofy, Halloween lyrics set to popular tunes. Zany organ accompaniment.
The Songbook has melody lines, lyrics, and is illustrated. Good for young readers.
Songbook and CD - $14.95.
Songbook and CD also sold separately - each $9.95.
CD Track List
1. Everybody is Italian (This Columbus Holiday)
2. Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
3. Friendly Indians
4. The Boom! Boom! Boom! Columbus Day Parade
5. Pizza Pie
6. C-O-L-U-M-B-U-S (A Spelling Song)
7. The Nina and the Pinta and the Santa Maria
8. Isabella
9. Who's the Man, the Man Who Can?
10. Do the Tarantella (Like They Do in Italy)
11. Genoa
12. I Wish I Wuz Columbus
13. There's A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
14. On the Way to Kubla Khan
15. The World is Really Round! Round! Round!
16. October the Twelfth

A-Haunting We Will Go
With a delightful song sung by the famed McGuire Sisters, this mini-play celebrates Halloween using the alphabet. There are speaking parts for each letter of the alphabet, three songs, and a Monster Walk.
CD Tracks
1. A-Haunting We Will Go
2. Ghoul Days, Ghoul Days
3. Monster Music (Instrumental)
4. A Halloween Song
The Songbook contains program notes, piano music with lyrics, and script. The CD is a performance / accompaniment CD. 10 tracks total.
Songbook and CD - $19;95
Listen to excerpts from the play.