Top Sellers
The Eagle and the Turkey
Thanksgiving folk tale of how the eagle became our national emblem and the turkey became our dinner!
Grades K-3. Duration: 15 - 20 minutes.

Elephants, Clowns, and Circus Sounds
This is the ideal play for a great all-school performance! Along with the singing, gymnastics, excitement and fun, there is the opportunity for students to learn a valuable lesson in character building - to be yourself, try your best, and look at the bright side of life.
Grades 3 - 9.

Holiday Alphabet
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. At holiday time there was so much to do! She made up a list so she wouldn't forget - and this is her Holiday Alphabet! Muti-ethnic. Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Winter, Christmas.
Grades K - 3. Duration: 20 minutes

I Remember Martin Luther King, Jr.
Here is an American celebration of freedom! Written to be performed by young people of all ethnic origins. Students are the story-tellers, recreating in drama and song various incidents from boyhood to preacher of non-violence. The music used throughout is authentic American spiritual and gospel songs. Perfect for Black History month.
Grades 3 - 9. Duration: 35 minutes.