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Browse Our Music Catalog in Los Angeles, CA

Michael Brent Publications offers a variety of educational music to enrich your classroom. Fun, interactive learning with music is a great way to teach kids, and the songs in our collection serve as excellent teaching aids. Please browse our music catalog in Los Angeles, CA, to see what's available for your classroom. You'll find songs for all occasions and seasons.


If you need help or suggestions, reach out to us and we'll help you choose the right music for your students. Popular items include the Tickle Your Funny Bone series and our Seasonal Holidays collections, among others. With our fun children's music, you can have enlivening lessons that will leave an impression on the kids in your classroom.


We have been assisting teachers with quality songs and musical plays since 1962. Our goal is to help you create an educational experience that stays with your students. Check out our Teacher's Lounge for current recommendations. As our customer, you have access to a wealth of material that you can use to teach and entertain your students. We look forward to hearing from you and fulfilling your order. Your students will love the many songs in our catalog.

The Eagle and the Turkey - Book/CD

SKU 21307CD
Product Details

THE EAGLE AND THE TURKEY – Every school year, as the Fall chill sets in, this mini-play becomes a popular performance choice among teachers for their younger-aged classes. Here is a Thanksgiving folk tale that relates how the Eagle became our National Emblem – and the Turkey became our dinner! A very sweet debate ensues as the two birds compete to be declared the “National bird” of our new country: Turkey advocates argue that, after all, everyone loves turkey on Thanksgiving Day; whereas the other side of the argument reminds one and all of the nobility of the American bald eagle. The thirteen original states take a very close – but definitive – vote, and all ends happily as young students delight in performing the “Turkey Gobble Trot” and “Turkey Dinner, Turkey Dinner,” among others. We’ve been told it’s also a favorite among the parent/grandparent contingent of the audience! New lyrics set to the familiar tune of “Over the River and Through the Woods (to Grandmother’s House We Go”). Book and Performance/Accompaniment CD set is $19.95. Grades K-3; parts for many students, 15 to 20 minutes in duration – for classroom or stage presentation

From Our Young Children's Theatre: A collection of simple mini play-kits with music. For Grades K-3. Each mini play is self contained, teaches basic concepts, and has parts for many students. Duration is 15 - 20 minutes. For classroom or stage presentation. Excellent for early reading motivation and introduction to music. Each Mini-Play kit contains 1 book and 1 performance/accompaniment CD that includes all dialogue, simple program notes, music and lyrics. Everything you need to put on your play!
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