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Browse Our Music Catalog in Los Angeles, CA

Michael Brent Publications offers a variety of educational music to enrich your classroom. Fun, interactive learning with music is a great way to teach kids, and the songs in our collection serve as excellent teaching aids. Please browse our music catalog in Los Angeles, CA, to see what's available for your classroom. You'll find songs for all occasions and seasons.


If you need help or suggestions, reach out to us and we'll help you choose the right music for your students. Popular items include the Tickle Your Funny Bone series and our Seasonal Holidays collections, among others. With our fun children's music, you can have enlivening lessons that will leave an impression on the kids in your classroom.


We have been assisting teachers with quality songs and musical plays since 1962. Our goal is to help you create an educational experience that stays with your students. Check out our Teacher's Lounge for current recommendations. As our customer, you have access to a wealth of material that you can use to teach and entertain your students. We look forward to hearing from you and fulfilling your order. Your students will love the many songs in our catalog.

The 1890 Music Hall Review - Student 10/pack

SKU 210502
Product Details

THE EIGHTEEN NINETY MUSIC HALL REVUE – A sparkling “Bring-Back-the-Good-Old-Days” musical show that combines the related arts with basic curriculum in a tuneful, lively jubilee of the colorful American turn-of-the-century. The various music genres include waltz-time, barbershop harmony, ragtime (with Scott Joplin), the hula (in Honolulu), plus such Americana scenes as a Suffragette rally, a clambake with Teddy Roosevelt, the gold rush in Alaska, girls in middy blouses, boys seeking fame and fortune in the big city, snapshots from the first Eastman camera, and the beginnings of New Orleans jazz. Songs include “There’s Gold in the Klondike Tonight,” “The Petticoat Vote,” “The Fields of My Father,” “Climb the Ladder of Success,” et al. Teacher Book is $19.95. Student book 10/Pack is $35.00. Full Performance-only CD is $45.00. For Grades 3-12, 40 minutes in duration.

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