Educational and fun!
Musical plays and songs for the classroom...since 1962
Fall Suggestions
This Fall, start history off by introducing your classroom to Christopher Columbus with "The Brave and the Bold" or to Thomas Jefferson with "Tall Tom Jefferson" How about a complete overview of American history with "Our Country 'Tis of Thee" which focuses on the meaning of democracy? Or, "The First Thanksgiving" which transports the listener to that time in history when our annual November tradition was established or "The Eagle and the Turkey" which relates how the eagle became our national emblem.
And then there's just plain fun with our popular "Funny Bone Series" with Fall classics for Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Columbus Day. If your fun includes sports - check out "Sis! Boom Bah!" a football musical about school spirit, teamwork, never giving up, and doing your best no matter what.
Happy Fall!